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It’s been a while

Gary and I were fortunate and blessed to be granted a room at Hope Lodge in Jacksonville during his entire and lengthy cancer treatment. Hope Lodge is a safe, secure, and supportive environment for cancer patients (& caretakers) receiving treatment at The Mayo Clinic, only a few blocks from the lodge.
Twice during our stay, musicians volunteered their time to entertain us, and this was my favorite. Bob is the bass player for a band that includes piano, electric guitar, drums, and two trombones. They are all residents of a nearby assisted living community, and they have fantastic sound!
Bob is a rock-steady player; he never missed an entrance, note, or beat. The most endearing thing about him is that in between every song they played, he would change his hat. He must have had 50 hats in his bag - all humorous in theme. It was one of the most delightful performances I've seen. I hung out close by to Bob because I was determined to catch some photos and videos. He noticed and smiled at me.
Even in the darkness, worry, anxiety, and pain of cancer ... there were so many smiles in the dining hall that night. It's no wonder that this talented group of musicians offers their free service. The effect they had on these beloved patients was a true gift, and I don't hesitate to add that the Creator was involved in the joy.