It was Easter, 1963. Leah was 4 years old. I was six. Mom had already picked out and ironed our smocked Easter dresses but had not yet purchased hats for us to wear. It was down to the wire and my father was recruited to take us shopping for Easter hats. Therein was the mistake that would lay the groundwork for "The Story of the Easter in Which Father Took the Girls Shopping for Easter Hats" (and the photo that proved it).
As evident in the photo, my younger sister did quite well in choosing a tasteful Easter Bonnet to complete her ensemble. I, on the other hand, chose a hat that was sanctioned by my father to go down in the family history book as the hat that cracked us all up for years and years to come.
I now have you linked in on my blog list and am following you so I will know when you do an update here. Nice to know that at least in April you were alive and well and able to see the humor in things.
I see that you list my blog as one you follow. I haven't posted a painting since last October, but I am currently working on a portrait of 3-year-old Anna. Hope to finish it within a couple of days.